Streaming HD Video in your home?
We'll leave you swimming in it!
Video: High Def, HD, SD, 1080p, 4k - all terms we're sure you will have heard thrown around. With so many, it can be difficult to follow what's what.
We can explain what each mean and how they will affect you.
However, the real fun with HD (High Definition) Video starts when you make it available house-wide so you can enjoy your content regardless of what room you are in.
How can do we do this? Through an HD Matrix, providing you with Multiroom HD Video. It's like Sky+HD Multiroom, except in all rooms, but without lots of Sky+HD boxes!
There are many benefits of multiroom HD Video. Our top few, without a doubt, are:
- Reduced subscription cost - many TV viewers have subscription service, like Sky+HD. Previously, you needed one box per TV point to have multi-room HD viewing. Now, with an
HD Matrix you only need to have the number of HD Boxes you think you will use at one time. So, five TV locations and five HD boxes could become five TV locations and two HD boxes. No need to
buy those extra boxes and subcriptions - welcome those long term savings!
- Reduced clutter - How about storing those boxes out of the way, with the HD Matrix, some where central? Now you won't have to worry about giving up precious space to keep
them by your TV. Just have your TV on the wall with no further clutter. How great does that look?
- Follow Me TV - so you've started watching a movie but you're feeling tired and want to head to bed. Oh.. you have to turn on the Bedroom TV, switch to the right input,
turn on the HD box and find the same channel as before - if you can remember it! With an HD Matrix, just select the same HD box you were using before, and you're good to go! They will all come
through on the same TV input, so you won't have to worry about consantly changing inputs to find the right one. Plus, a good control system can make this one click away.
- Multiple Sources Means More Choice - It doesn't just have to be HD TV boxes like Sky+HD. You could connect Blu-ray players, Google Chrome Cast, Apple TV, Amazon Fire
TV, Freesat Boxes or pretty much any controllable HD video device you can think of. Why limit the type of services to just subscription TV? Enjoy the capabilities of that new fibre optic broadband
speed you have and stream video to your heart's content.